Saturday, July 12, 2008

Various Artists - Maura Keane - Enigma Lounge, vol. 3


1. Deep Lough (Egan Flannery)
2. Heart of Kilmacud (Finnigan)
3. Into the golden vale (Finnigan)
4. Fairy Land (Irial)
5. Hadrian's Tale (Jim Doran)
6. Swans (Kenny O'Brogain)
7. Screeb (Mac Cadain)
8. Aine (Madigan)
9. Meander (Maura Keane)
10. Mother Aill (Noah Hanlon)
11. Rainbow's end (Rose Kavanagh)
12. Spirit of Killiney (Rose Kavanagh)
13. Shannon (Ross Leary)
14. Dwellers od ailwee (Sharon O'Toole)

Download album
(direct link, no emule, no torrents, no rapidshare)